Safety Precautions Covid-19
Keeping our drivers and passengers protected
To ensure we keep our drivers and passengers protected, we will take the following steps:
Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.
Wearing a cloth face covering, when around other people.
Avoiding touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
Covering mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and disposing of the tissue safely before washing hands.
Asking passengers to sit in the back to create physical distance.
AvoidIng handling money, if possible and consider wearing disposable gloves when collecting money from customers.
We will have tissues and hand sanitizer available for passengers
Disinfecting cars regularly
Cleaning and disinfecting cars as often as possible. Paying close attention to surfaces that are touched often by passengers.
Wearing disposable gloves when cleaning and only using them once.
No charge cancellation policy
We recognize that plans can change unexpectedly and that flexibility, when travelling, is key. So, for your peace of mind we want to remind you that you can cancel your booking at zero cost.
Updates and protective measures from the World Health Organization